
Starting with version 0.4.6, napari provides persistent settings.

Settings are managed by getting the global settings object:

from napari.settings import get_settings

settings = get_settings()
# then modify... e.g:
settings.appearance.theme = 'dark'


The settings are grouped by sections and napari core provides the following:


Main application settings.

Brush size on mouse move modifiers#

Modifiers to activate changing the brush size by moving the mouse.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.brush_size_on_mouse_move_modifiers.

  • Type: BrushSizeOnMouseModifiers.

  • Default: <BrushSizeOnMouseModifiers.ALT: 'Alt'>.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Confirm window or application closing#

Ask for confirmation before closing a napari window or application (all napari windows).

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.confirm_close_window.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: True.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Console notification level#

Select the notification level for the console.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.console_notification_level.

  • Type: NotificationSeverity.

  • Default: <NotificationSeverity.NONE: 'none'>.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Dask cache#

Settings for dask cache (does not work with distributed arrays)

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.dask.

  • Type: DaskSettings.

  • Default: DaskSettings(enabled=True, cache=4.144108544).

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

First time#

Indicate if napari is running for the first time. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.first_time.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: True.

Grid Height#

Number of rows in the grid.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.grid_height.

  • Type: ConstrainedIntValue.

  • Default: -1.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Grid Stride#

Number of layers to place in each grid square.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.grid_stride.

  • Type: ConstrainedIntValue.

  • Default: 1.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Grid Width#

Number of columns in the grid.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.grid_width.

  • Type: ConstrainedIntValue.

  • Default: -1.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

GUI notification level#

Select the notification level for the user interface.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.gui_notification_level.

  • Type: NotificationSeverity.

  • Default: <NotificationSeverity.INFO: 'info'>.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Delay to treat button as hold in seconds#

This affects certain actions where a short press and a long press have different behaviors, such as changing the mode of a layer permanently or only during the long press.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.hold_button_delay.

  • Type: float.

  • Default: 0.5.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

IPython interactive#

Toggle the use of interactive %gui qt event loop when creating napari Viewers in IPython.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.ipy_interactive.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: True.


Select the display language for the user interface.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.language.

  • Type: Language.

  • Default: 'en'.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Opened folders history#

Last saved list of opened folders. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.open_history.

  • Type: List[str].

  • Default: [].

Playback frames per second#

Playback speed in frames per second.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.playback_fps.

  • Type: int.

  • Default: 10.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Playback loop mode#

Loop mode for playback.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.playback_mode.

  • Type: LoopMode.

  • Default: <LoopMode.LOOP: 'loop'>.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Preferences size#

Last saved width and height for the preferences dialog. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.preferences_size.

  • Type: Optional[Tuple[int, int]].

  • Default: None.

Saved folders history#

Last saved list of saved folders. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.save_history.

  • Type: List[str].

  • Default: [].

Save window geometry#

Toggle saving the main window size and position.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.save_window_geometry.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: True.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Save window state#

Toggle saving the main window state of widgets.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.save_window_state.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Window fullscreen#

Last saved fullscreen state for the main window. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_fullscreen.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

Window maximized state#

Last saved maximized state for the main window. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_maximized.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

Window position#

Last saved x and y coordinates for the main window. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_position.

  • Type: Optional[Tuple[int, int]].

  • Default: None.

Window size#

Last saved width and height for the main window. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_size.

  • Type: Optional[Tuple[int, int]].

  • Default: None.

Window state#

Last saved state of dockwidgets and toolbars for the main window. This setting is managed by the application.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_state.

  • Type: Optional[str].

  • Default: None.

Show status bar#

Toggle diplaying the status bar for the main window.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.application.window_statusbar.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: True.


User interface appearance settings.

Font size#

Select the user interface font size.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.appearance.font_size.

  • Type: ConstrainedIntValue.

  • Default: 9.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Highlight thickness#

Select the highlight thickness when hovering over shapes/points.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.appearance.highlight_thickness.

  • Type: ConstrainedIntValue.

  • Default: 1.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Show layer tooltips#

Toggle to display a tooltip on mouse hover.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.appearance.layer_tooltip_visibility.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.


Select the user interface theme.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.appearance.theme.

  • Type: Theme.

  • Default: 'dark'.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.


Plugins settings.

Plugin sort order#

Sort plugins for each action in the order to be called.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.plugins.call_order.

  • Type: Mapping[str, List[napari.settings._plugins.PluginHookOption]].

  • Default: {}.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Disabled plugins#

Plugins to disable on application start.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.plugins.disabled_plugins.

  • Type: Set[str].

  • Default: set().

File extension readers#

Assign file extensions to specific reader plugins

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.plugins.extension2reader.

  • Type: Mapping[str, str].

  • Default: {}.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Writer plugin extension association.#

Assign file extensions to specific writer plugins

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.plugins.extension2writer.

  • Type: Mapping[str, str].

  • Default: {}.

Use npe2 adaptor#

Use npe2-adaptor for first generation plugins. When an npe1 plugin is found, this option will import its contributions and create/cache a ‘shim’ npe2 manifest that allows it to be treated like an npe2 plugin (with delayed imports, etc…)

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.plugins.use_npe2_adaptor.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.


Shortcut settings.


Set keyboard shortcuts for actions.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.shortcuts.shortcuts.

  • Type: Mapping[str, List[app_model.types._keys._keybindings.KeyBinding]].

  • Default: {'napari:toggle_console_visibility': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd5e50: Ctrl+Shift+C>], 'napari:reset_scroll_progress': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75c4bf50: Ctrl>], 'napari:toggle_ndisplay': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75c32ed0: Ctrl+Y>], 'napari:toggle_theme': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd5f90: Ctrl+Shift+T>], 'napari:reset_view': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6090: Ctrl+R>], 'napari:delete_selected_layers': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6190: Ctrl+Delete>], 'napari:show_shortcuts': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6290: Ctrl+Alt+/>], 'napari:increment_dims_left': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6390: Left>], 'napari:increment_dims_right': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6490: Right>], 'napari:focus_axes_up': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6590: Alt+Up>], 'napari:focus_axes_down': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6690: Alt+Down>], 'napari:roll_axes': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6790: Ctrl+E>], 'napari:transpose_axes': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6890: Ctrl+T>], 'napari:toggle_grid': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6990: Ctrl+G>], 'napari:toggle_selected_visibility': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6a90: V>], 'napari:hold_for_pan_zoom': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6b90: Space>], 'napari:activate_labels_erase_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6c90: 1>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6d90: E>], 'napari:activate_labels_paint_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6e90: 2>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd6f90: P>], 'napari:activate_labels_polygon_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7090: 3>], 'napari:activate_labels_fill_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7190: 4>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7290: F>], 'napari:activate_labels_picker_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7390: 5>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7490: L>], 'napari:activate_labels_pan_zoom_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7590: 6>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7690: Z>], 'napari:activate_labels_transform_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7790: 7>], 'napari:new_label': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7890: M>], 'napari:swap_selected_and_background_labels': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7990: X>], 'napari:decrease_label_id': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7a90: ->], 'napari:increase_label_id': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7b90: =>], 'napari:decrease_brush_size': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7c90: [>], 'napari:increase_brush_size': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7d90: ]>], 'napari:toggle_preserve_labels': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7e90: B>], 'napari:reset_polygon': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cd7f90: Escape>], 'napari:complete_polygon': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdc0d0: Enter>], 'napari:activate_points_add_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdc1d0: 2>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdc2d0: P>], 'napari:activate_points_select_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdc3d0: 3>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdc590: S>], 'napari:activate_points_pan_zoom_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdc710: 4>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdc850: Z>], 'napari:activate_points_transform_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdc9d0: 5>], 'napari:select_all_in_slice': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdcb50: A>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdcc90: Ctrl+A>], 'napari:select_all_data': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdce10: Shift+A>], 'napari:delete_selected_points': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdcf90: Backspace>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdd0d0: Delete>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdd210: 1>], 'napari:activate_add_rectangle_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdd390: R>], 'napari:activate_add_ellipse_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdd510: E>], 'napari:activate_add_line_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdd690: L>], 'napari:activate_add_path_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdd810: T>], 'napari:activate_add_polygon_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdd990: P>], 'napari:activate_add_polygon_lasso_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cddb10: Shift+P>], 'napari:activate_direct_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cddc90: 4>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdddd0: D>], 'napari:activate_select_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cddf50: 5>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cde090: S>], 'napari:activate_shapes_pan_zoom_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cde210: 6>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cde350: Z>], 'napari:activate_shapes_transform_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cde4d0: 7>], 'napari:activate_vertex_insert_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cde650: 2>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cde790: I>], 'napari:activate_vertex_remove_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cde910: 1>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdea50: X>], 'napari:copy_selected_shapes': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdebd0: Ctrl+C>], 'napari:paste_shape': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cded50: Ctrl+V>], 'napari:move_shapes_selection_to_front': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdeed0: F>], 'napari:move_shapes_selection_to_back': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdf050: B>], 'napari:select_all_shapes': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdf1d0: A>], 'napari:delete_selected_shapes': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdf350: Backspace>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdf490: Delete>, <KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdf5d0: 3>], 'napari:finish_drawing_shape': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdf750: Escape>], 'napari:activate_image_pan_zoom_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdf8d0: 1>], 'napari:activate_image_transform_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdfa50: 2>], 'napari:activate_vectors_pan_zoom_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdfbd0: 1>], 'napari:activate_vectors_transform_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdfd50: 2>], 'napari:activate_tracks_pan_zoom_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cdfed0: 1>], 'napari:activate_tracks_transform_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cf0090: 2>], 'napari:activate_surface_pan_zoom_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cf0210: 1>], 'napari:activate_surface_transform_mode': [<KeyBinding at 0x7f1e75cf0390: 2>]}.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.


Experimental settings.

Render Images Asynchronously#

Asynchronous loading of image data. This setting partially loads data while viewing.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.experimental.async_.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Enable autoswapping rendering buffers.#

Autoswapping rendering buffers improves quality by reducing tearing artifacts, while sacrificing some performance.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.experimental.autoswap_buffers.

  • Type: bool.

  • Default: False.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Minimum distance threshold of shapes lasso tool#

Value determines how many screen pixels one has to move before another vertex can be added to the polygon.

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.experimental.lasso_vertex_distance.

  • Type: ConstrainedIntValue.

  • Default: 10.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Shapes polygon lasso RDP epsilon#

Setting this higher removes more points from polygons. Setting this to 0 keeps all vertices of a given polygon

  • Access programmatically with SETTINGS.experimental.rdp_epsilon.

  • Type: ConstrainedFloatValue.

  • Default: 0.5.

  • UI: This setting can be configured via the preferences dialog.

Support for plugin specific settings will be provided in an upcoming release.

Changing settings programmatically#

from napari.settings import SETTINGS

SETTINGS.appearance.theme = "light"

Reset to defaults via CLI#

To reset all napari settings to the default values:

napari --reset

The preferences dialog#

Starting with version 0.4.6, napari provides a preferences dialog to manage some of the provided options.











Reset to defaults via UI#

To reset the preferences click on the Restore defaults button and continue by clicking on Restore.