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- Slides for the keynote talk "Writing and maintaining friendly (and interesting) docs", presented at PloneConf Brasília/Python Cerrado 2024 in Brasília: link
- Slides for the keynote talk "Open Source for Open Science", presented at the pyOpenSci Fall Festival 2024, online: link
- Materials for the tutorial "Introdução ao Python Científico e para Data Science", presented at Python Sul 2024 in Florianópolis (in portuguese): GitHub repository, site
- Slides for the talk "Livre, aberto, proprietário: que diferença faz?", presented at Python Brasil 2023 in Caxias do Sul (in Portuguese): link
- Slides for the talk "Contributor Experience: Why it matters", co-presented with Inessa Pawson and Noa Tamir at SciPy 2023, in Austin: link
- Slides for the keynote talk "Can we optimize communities?", presented at PyData NYC 2022, New York: link
- Slides for the talk "Decifrando o Sphinx: Os enigmas da documentação técnica", presented at Python Brasil 2022, in Manaus (in Portuguese): link
- Slides for the keynote "Beyond the basics: contributor experience, diversity and culture in open source projects", presented at PyData Berlin/PyCon DE 2022: .pdf file (video on Youtube)
- Video for presentation "Contributing to SciPy", presented at Data Umbrella: on Youtube
- Slides for the talk "Construir comunidades con documentación", presented at the Python Bucaramanga meetup on November 2021 (in spanish): .pdf file
- Slides for the talk "Fatos interessantes sobre arrays, matrizes e tensores: o número 3 vai te surpreender", presented at Python Brasil 2021 (in portuguese): link
- Slides for the talk "NumPy Newcomer's Hour: an experiment on community building", presented at the PyCon 2021 Maintainer's Summit: .pdf file
- Slides for the talk "Como contribuir para o (projeto) NumPy", presented at the PyLadies SP meetup on February 2021 (in portuguese): .pdf file
- Slides for the talk "Intro to Sphinx for Python documentation", presented at DataUmbrella: link (video on YouTube)
- Slides for the talk "Community Building through Documentation", presented at PyData Cambridge Meetup 2020: .pdf file
- Slides for the keynote "Mente de Principiante" (Beginner's Mind), presented at Python Brasil 2020 (in portuguese): .pdf file
- Repository for the tutorial "Uma introdução ao Python Científico: NumPy, SciPy e Matplotlib", presented at Python Brasil 2020 (in portuguese): GitHub
- Slides for the talk "O Ecossistema Científico no Python", presented at Meetup CiDAMAS (in portuguese): GitHub repository (a previous version was also presented at the Python Floripa meetup).
- Slides for the talk "F2PY: Bringing fast code into the future", presented at FortranCon 2020 and SciPy 2020: .pdf file
- Repository for the talk "Do cartão perfurado aos supercomputadores", presented at Python Brasil 2019 (in portuguese): GitHub
- Repository for the talk "De Fortran a Julia: Computação Científica no Mundo Real", presented at QConSP (in portuguese): GitHub; another version was later presented at Python Sul 2019: Overleaf file
- Repository for the "Uso de tecnologias em sala de aula: ferramentas, processos e motivações", presented at the XII edition of FERMAT (Feira estudantil redescobrindo a matemática) and "I Feira de Matemática da UFSC" (in portuguese): GitHub
- Some files related to the Programação Não-Linear course offered in 2019.2 by the math department at UFSC (in portuguese): GitHub repository
- Slides for the talk "New stopping criteria for the Block-Lanczos Spectral Projected Gradient algorithm with applications to large-scale Procrustes problems", presented at XII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization: .pdf file
- Talk "Julia para Pythonistas", presented at PythonSul 2018 (in portuguese): slides (.pdf file); GitHub repository
- Repository for the talk "Produzindo lindos relatórios com Pweave", presented at PythoBrasil[12] (in portuguese): GitHub
- Repository for the short course "Computação Científica com Python, com aplicações à Oceanografia e à Biologia" (in portuguese): GitHub
- Repository for the tutorial "Automatizando a criação de PDF's com LaTeX e Python", from SciPyLa 2016 (in portuguese): GitHub
- Repository for the short course "Matlab Avançado", updated in 2016 (in portuguese): GitHub
- Repository for the talk "Software Livre: passado, presente e futuro", presented at the Semana Acadêmica da Ciência da Computação e Sistemas (SECCOM) (in portuguese): GitHub
- Slides and examples for the short course "Computação Científica com MATLAB" for Epagri (in portuguese): .zip file
- Repository for the talk "LaTeX para Não-Cientistas", presented at Blusol 2013 (in portuguese): GitHub
- Slides for the talk "Lindas Apresentações com o LaTeX", presented at SoLiSC 2013 (in portuguese) .pdf file, GitHub repository
- Slides for the talk "Migrando a Academia para o Python", presented at pythonbrasil[9] (in portuguese): .pdf file.
- Slides and resources for the talk "LaTeX como linguagem de programação", presented at FISL14 (in portuguese): .zip file, GitHub repository
- Slides and resources for the talk "LaTeX para Não-Cientistas", presented at FISL13 (2012) (in portuguese): .zip file
- Slides for the talk "LaTeX para Não-Cientistas", presented at SoLiSC 2011 (in portuguese): .zip file.
- Resources for the Basic Matlab course for math students at UFSC: GitHub repository