Source code for

import sys
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, Set, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from app_model.types import KeyBinding

from napari._pydantic_compat import (
from import EmitterGroup, Event
from napari.utils.misc import pick_equality_operator
from napari.utils.translations import trans

# encoders for non-napari specific field types.  To declare a custom encoder
# for a napari type, add a `_json_encode` method to the class itself.
# it will be added to the model json_encoders in :func:`EventedMetaclass.__new__`
    np.ndarray: lambda arr: arr.tolist(),
    KeyBinding: lambda v: str(v),

def no_class_attributes():
    """Context in which pydantic.main.ClassAttribute just passes value 2.

    Due to a very annoying decision by PySide2, all class ``__signature__``
    attributes may only be assigned **once**.  (This seems to be regardless of
    whether the class has anything to do with PySide2 or not).  Furthermore,
    the PySide2 ``__signature__`` attribute seems to break the python
    descriptor protocol, which means that class attributes that have a
    ``__get__`` method will not be able to successfully retrieve their value
    (instead, the descriptor object itself will be accessed).

    This plays terribly with Pydantic, which assigns a ``ClassAttribute``
    object to the value of ``cls.__signature__`` in ``ModelMetaclass.__new__``
    in order to avoid masking the call signature of object instances that have
    a ``__call__`` method (

    So, because we only get to set the ``__signature__`` once, this context
    manager basically "opts-out" of pydantic's ``ClassAttribute`` strategy,
    thereby directly setting the ``cls.__signature__`` to an instance of

    For additional context, see:

    if "PySide2" not in sys.modules:

    # monkey patch the pydantic ClassAttribute object
    # the second argument to ClassAttribute is the inspect.Signature object
    def _return2(x, y):
        return y

    main.ClassAttribute = _return2
        # undo our monkey patch
        main.ClassAttribute = utils.ClassAttribute

class EventedMetaclass(ModelMetaclass):
    """pydantic ModelMetaclass that preps "equality checking" operations.

    A metaclass is the thing that "constructs" a class, and ``ModelMetaclass``
    is where pydantic puts a lot of it's type introspection and ``ModelField``
    creation logic.  Here, we simply tack on one more function, that builds a
    ``cls.__eq_operators__`` dict which is mapping of field name to a function
    that can be called to check equality of the value of that field with some
    other object.  (used in ``EventedModel.__eq__``)

    This happens only once, when an ``EventedModel`` class is created (and not
    when each instance of an ``EventedModel`` is instantiated).

    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
        with no_class_attributes():
            cls = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
        cls.__eq_operators__ = {}
        for n, f in cls.__fields__.items():
            cls.__eq_operators__[n] = pick_equality_operator(f.type_)
            # If a field type has a _json_encode method, add it to the json
            # encoders for this model.
            # NOTE: a _json_encode field must return an object that can be
            # passed to json.dumps ... but it needn't return a string.
            if hasattr(f.type_, '_json_encode'):
                encoder = f.type_._json_encode
                cls.__config__.json_encoders[f.type_] = encoder
                # also add it to the base config
                # required for pydantic>=1.8.0 due to:
                EventedModel.__config__.json_encoders[f.type_] = encoder
        # check for properties defined on the class, so we can allow them
        # in EventedModel.__setattr__ and create events
        cls.__properties__ = {}
        for name, attr in namespace.items():
            if isinstance(attr, property):
                cls.__properties__[name] = attr
                # determine compare operator
                if (
                    hasattr(attr.fget, "__annotations__")
                    and "return" in attr.fget.__annotations__
                    and not isinstance(
                        attr.fget.__annotations__["return"], str
                    cls.__eq_operators__[name] = pick_equality_operator(

        cls.__field_dependents__ = _get_field_dependents(cls)
        return cls

def _update_dependents_from_property_code(
    cls, prop_name, prop, deps, visited=()
    """Recursively find all the dependents of a property by inspecting the code object.

    Update the given deps dictionary with the new findings.
    for name in prop.fget.__code__.co_names:
        if name in cls.__fields__:
            deps.setdefault(name, set()).add(prop_name)
        elif name in cls.__properties__ and name not in visited:
            # to avoid infinite recursion, we shouldn't re-check getter we've already seen
            visited = visited + (name,)
            # sub_prop is the new property, but we leave prop_name the same
            sub_prop = cls.__properties__[name]
                cls, prop_name, sub_prop, deps, visited

def _get_field_dependents(cls: 'EventedModel') -> Dict[str, Set[str]]:
    """Return mapping of field name -> dependent set of property names.

    Dependencies will be guessed by inspecting the code of each property
    in order to emit an event for a computed property when a model field
    that it depends on changes (e.g: @property 'c' depends on model fields
    'a' and 'b'). Alternatvely, dependencies may be declared excplicitly
    in the Model Config.

    Note: accessing a field with `getattr()` instead of dot notation won't
    be automatically detected.

        class MyModel(EventedModel):
            a: int = 1
            b: int = 1

            def c(self) -> List[int]:
                return [self.a, self.b]

            def c(self, val: Sequence[int]):
                self.a, self.b = val

            def d(self) -> int:
                return sum(self.c)

            def d(self, val: int):
                self.c = [val // 2, val // 2]

            class Config:
                    'c': ['a', 'b'],
                    'd': ['a', 'b']
    if not cls.__properties__:
        return {}

    deps: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {}

    _deps = getattr(cls.__config__, 'dependencies', None)
    if _deps:
        for prop_name, fields in _deps.items():
            if prop_name not in cls.__properties__:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Fields with dependencies must be properties. '
                    f'{prop_name!r} is not.'
            for field in fields:
                if field not in cls.__fields__:
                    warnings.warn(f"Unrecognized field dependency: {field}")
                deps.setdefault(field, set()).add(prop_name)
        # if dependencies haven't been explicitly defined, we can glean
        # them from the property.fget code object:
        for prop_name, prop in cls.__properties__.items():
            _update_dependents_from_property_code(cls, prop_name, prop, deps)
    return deps

[docs]class EventedModel(BaseModel, metaclass=EventedMetaclass): """A Model subclass that emits an event whenever a field value is changed. Note: As per the standard pydantic behavior, default Field values are not validated (#4138) and should be correctly typed. """ # add private attributes for event emission _events: EmitterGroup = PrivateAttr(default_factory=EmitterGroup) # mapping of name -> property obj for methods that are properties __properties__: ClassVar[Dict[str, property]] # mapping of field name -> dependent set of property names # when field is changed, an event for dependent properties will be emitted. __field_dependents__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Set[str]]] __eq_operators__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Callable[[Any, Any], bool]]] _changes_queue: Dict[str, Any] = PrivateAttr(default_factory=dict) _primary_changes: Set[str] = PrivateAttr(default_factory=set) _delay_check_semaphore: int = PrivateAttr(0) __slots__: ClassVar[Set[str]] = {"__weakref__"} # type: ignore # pydantic BaseModel configuration. see: # class Config: # whether to allow arbitrary user types for fields (they are validated # simply by checking if the value is an instance of the type). If # False, RuntimeError will be raised on model declaration arbitrary_types_allowed = True # whether to perform validation on assignment to attributes validate_assignment = True # whether to treat any underscore non-class var attrs as private # underscore_attrs_are_private = True # whether to validate field defaults (default: False) validate_all = True # # NOTE: json_encoders are also added EventedMetaclass.__new__ if the # field declares a _json_encode method. json_encoders = _BASE_JSON_ENCODERS # extra = Extra.forbid def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self._events.source = self # add event emitters for each field which is mutable field_events = [ name for name, field in self.__fields__.items() if field.field_info.allow_mutation ] self._events.add( **dict.fromkeys(field_events + list(self.__properties__)) ) # while seemingly redundant, this next line is very important to maintain # correct sources; see # we solve it by re-setting the source after initial validation, which allows # us to use `validate_all = True` self._reset_event_source() def _super_setattr_(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: # pydantic will raise a ValueError if extra fields are not allowed # so we first check to see if this field is a property # if so, we use it instead. if name in self.__properties__: setter = self.__properties__[name].fset if setter is None: # raise same error as normal properties raise AttributeError(f"can't set attribute '{name}'") setter(self, value) else: super().__setattr__(name, value) def _check_if_differ(self, name: str, old_value: Any) -> Tuple[bool, Any]: """ Check new value of a field and emit event if it is different from the old one. Returns True if data changed, else False. Return current value. """ new_value = getattr(self, name, object()) if name in self.__eq_operators__: are_equal = self.__eq_operators__[name] else: are_equal = pick_equality_operator(new_value) return not are_equal(new_value, old_value), new_value def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: if name not in getattr(self, 'events', {}): # This is a workaround needed because `EventedConfigFileSettings` uses # `_config_path` before calling the superclass constructor super().__setattr__(name, value) return with ComparisonDelayer(self): self._primary_changes.add(name) self._setattr_impl(name, value) def _check_if_values_changed_and_emit_if_needed(self): """ Check if field values changed and emit events if needed. The advantage of moving this to the end of all the modifications is that comparisons will be performed only once for every potential change. """ if self._delay_check_semaphore > 0 or len(self._changes_queue) == 0: # do not run whole machinery if there is no need return to_emit = [] for name in self._primary_changes: # primary changes should contains only fields that are changed directly by assigment if name not in self._changes_queue: continue old_value = self._changes_queue[name] if (res := self._check_if_differ(name, old_value))[0]: to_emit.append((name, res[1])) self._changes_queue.pop(name) if not to_emit: # If no direct changes was made then we can skip whole machinery self._changes_queue.clear() self._primary_changes.clear() return for name, old_value in self._changes_queue.items(): # check if any of dependent properties changed if (res := self._check_if_differ(name, old_value))[0]: to_emit.append((name, res[1])) self._changes_queue.clear() self._primary_changes.clear() with ComparisonDelayer(self): # Again delay comparison to avoid having events caused by callback functions for name, new_value in to_emit: getattr(, name)(value=new_value) def _setattr_impl(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: if name not in getattr(self, 'events', {}): # fallback to default behavior self._super_setattr_(name, value) return # grab current value field_dep = self.__field_dependents__.get(name, set()) has_callbacks = { name: bool(getattr(, name).callbacks) for name in field_dep } emitter = getattr(, name) # equality comparisons may be expensive, so just avoid them if # event has no callbacks connected if not ( emitter.callbacks or self._events.callbacks or any(has_callbacks.values()) ): self._super_setattr_(name, value) return dep_with_callbacks = [ dep for dep, has_cb in has_callbacks.items() if has_cb ] if name not in self._changes_queue: self._changes_queue[name] = getattr(self, name, object()) for dep in dep_with_callbacks: if dep not in self._changes_queue: self._changes_queue[dep] = getattr(self, dep, object()) # set value using original setter self._super_setattr_(name, value) # expose the private EmitterGroup publically @property def events(self) -> EmitterGroup: return self._events def _reset_event_source(self): """ set the event sources of self and all the children to the correct values """ # events are all messed up due to objects being probably # recreated arbitrarily during validation = self for name in self.__fields__: child = getattr(self, name) if isinstance(child, EventedModel): # TODO: this isinstance check should be EventedMutables in the future child._reset_event_source() elif name in getattr(, name).source = self @property def _defaults(self): return get_defaults(self)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the state of the model to default values.""" for name, value in self._defaults.items(): if isinstance(value, EventedModel): getattr(self, name).reset() elif ( self.__config__.allow_mutation and self.__fields__[name].field_info.allow_mutation ): setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def update( self, values: Union['EventedModel', dict], recurse: bool = True ) -> None: """Update a model in place. Parameters ---------- values : dict, Values to update the model with. If an EventedModel is passed it is first converted to a dictionary. The keys of this dictionary must be found as attributes on the current model. recurse : bool If True, recursively update fields that are EventedModels. Otherwise, just update the immediate fields of this EventedModel, which is useful when the declared field type (e.g. ``Union``) can have different realized types with different fields. """ if isinstance(values, self.__class__): values = values.dict() if not isinstance(values, dict): raise TypeError( trans._( "Unsupported update from {values}", deferred=True, values=type(values), ) ) with as block: for key, value in values.items(): field = getattr(self, key) if isinstance(field, EventedModel) and recurse: field.update(value, recurse=recurse) else: setattr(self, key, value) if block.count:
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: """Check equality with another object. We override the pydantic approach (which just checks ``self.dict() == other.dict()``) to accommodate more complicated types like arrays, whose truth value is often ambiguous. ``__eq_operators__`` is constructed in ``EqualityMetaclass.__new__`` """ if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, EventedModel): return self.dict() == other if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False for f_name in self.__fields__: eq = self.__eq_operators__[f_name] if not eq(getattr(self, f_name), getattr(other, f_name)): return False return True
[docs] @contextmanager def enums_as_values(self, as_values: bool = True): """Temporarily override how enums are retrieved. Parameters ---------- as_values : bool, optional Whether enums should be shown as values (or as enum objects), by default `True` """ null = object() before = getattr(self.Config, 'use_enum_values', null) self.Config.use_enum_values = as_values try: yield finally: if before is not null: self.Config.use_enum_values = before else: delattr(self.Config, 'use_enum_values')
def get_defaults(obj: BaseModel): """Get possibly nested default values for a Model object.""" dflt = {} for k, v in obj.__fields__.items(): d = v.get_default() if d is None and isinstance(v.type_, main.ModelMetaclass): d = get_defaults(v.type_) dflt[k] = d return dflt class ComparisonDelayer: def __init__(self, target: EventedModel): self._target = target def __enter__(self): self._target._delay_check_semaphore += 1 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._target._delay_check_semaphore -= 1 self._target._check_if_values_changed_and_emit_if_needed()