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Data Input Perf

Performance of Data Input Pipeline

  • Overview of supported data input pipelines:
  • Perf data intepretation: for all three data pipelines, there are data prefetch running in parallel with computation. The goal is to hide data loading behind computation. As long as data loading step time < training computation step time, the data pipeline perf is considered sufficient.


  • The following results are measured by, which performs data loading without computation.
  • c4 data of different formats in GCS bucket are used. For Grain pipeline only, the GCS bucket is mounted to a local path via GCSFUSE (script)
  • The GCS bucket is multi-region (US) and the VMs that read data can be in different regions in the US.

HuggingFace pipeline

The following data are collected using c4 data in Parquet format.

Pipeline seq_len VM type per_host_batch # of host # of batch first step (s) total time (s)
HuggingFace 2048 TPU v4-8 32 (per_device=8) 1 1000 6 72
HuggingFace 2048 TPU v4-128 32 (per_device=8) 16 1000 6 72

Grain pipeline

The following data are collected using c4 data in ArrayRecord format.

Pipeline seq_len VM type per_host_batch # of host # of batch worker first step (s) total time (s)
Grain 2048 TPU v4-8 32 (per_device=8) 1 1000 1 7 1200
Grain 2048 TPU v4-8 32 (per_device=8) 1 1000 2 7 355
Grain 2048 TPU v4-8 32 (per_device=8) 1 1000 4 8 280
Grain 2048 TPU v4-8 32 (per_device=8) 1 1000 8 15 367
Grain 2048 TPU v4-128 32 (per_device=8) 16 1000 1 7 691
Grain 2048 TPU v4-128 32 (per_device=8) 16 1000 2 7 335
Grain 2048 TPU v4-128 32 (per_device=8) 16 1000 4 8 154
Grain 2048 TPU v4-128 32 (per_device=8) 16 1000 8 11 120

TFDS pipeline

The following data are collected using c4 data in TFRecord format.

Pipeline seq_len VM type per_host_batch # of host # of batch first step (s) total time (s)
TFDS 2048 TPU v4-8 32 (per_device=8) 1 1000 2 17
TFDS 2048 TPU v4-128 32 (per_device=8) 16 1000 3 18