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Contribute to docs

  1. Make sure you have a fresh environment with the latest mkdocs and mkdocs-material installed. You can install them with pip install -r requirements.txt from the root of the repository.
  2. Your pages should be written as markdown files, using the basic markdown syntax or following the mkdocs or material for mkdocs syntax.
  3. Pages can be added to the top level menu or submenus by editing the mkdocs.yml file. The order of the pages in the menu is determined by the order of the pages in the mkdocs.yml file. Subpages can be added by creating subfolders in the docs/ folder (see, for example, the docs/tutorials/ folder).
  4. To add images, place them in the docs/images/ folder and reference them in your markdown files using the relative path ../images/your_image.png.
  5. Custom CSS configuration goes into the docs/stylesheets/custom.css file.
  6. To build the website locally, after activating your environment (either using conda activate <your-environment> or source activate <your-env>, for example), run mkdocs serve to start a local server. You can then view the website at the URL indicated on your console.