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Struct ZarrStreamSettings

ClassList > ZarrStreamSettings

The settings for a Zarr stream. More...

  • #include <acquire.zarr.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
ZarrCompressionSettings * compression_settings
const char * custom_metadata
ZarrDataType data_type
size_t dimension_count
ZarrDimensionProperties * dimensions
unsigned int max_threads
bool multiscale
ZarrS3Settings * s3_settings
const char * store_path
ZarrVersion version

Detailed Description

This struct contains the settings for a Zarr stream, including the store path, custom metadata, S3 settings, chunk compression settings, dimension properties, whether to stream to multiple levels of detail, the pixel data type, and the Zarr format version.


The store path can be a filesystem path or an S3 key prefix. For example, supplying an endpoint "s3://" and a bucket "my-bucket" with a store_path of "my-dataset.zarr" will result in the store being written to "s3://".


The dimensions array may be allocated with ZarrStreamSettings_create_dimension_array and freed with ZarrStreamSettings_destroy_dimension_array. The order in which you set the dimension properties in the array should match the order of the dimensions from slowest to fastest changing, for example, [Z, Y, X] for a 3D dataset.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable compression_settings

ZarrCompressionSettings* ZarrStreamSettings::compression_settings;

Optional chunk compression settings for the store.

variable custom_metadata

const char* ZarrStreamSettings::custom_metadata;

JSON-formatted custom metadata to be stored with the dataset.

variable data_type

ZarrDataType ZarrStreamSettings::data_type;

The pixel data type of the dataset.

variable dimension_count

size_t ZarrStreamSettings::dimension_count;

The number of dimensions in the dataset.

variable dimensions

ZarrDimensionProperties* ZarrStreamSettings::dimensions;

The properties of each dimension in the dataset.

variable max_threads

unsigned int ZarrStreamSettings::max_threads;

The maximum number of threads to use in the stream. Set to 0 to use the supported number of concurrent threads.

variable multiscale

bool ZarrStreamSettings::multiscale;

Whether to stream to multiple levels of detail.

variable s3_settings

ZarrS3Settings* ZarrStreamSettings::s3_settings;

Optional S3 settings for the store.

variable store_path

const char* ZarrStreamSettings::store_path;

Path to the store. Filesystem path or S3 key prefix.

variable version

ZarrVersion ZarrStreamSettings::version;

The version of the Zarr format to use. 2 or 3.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /home/runner/work/acquire-docs/acquire-docs/acquire-zarr/include/acquire.zarr.h