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Struct ZarrCompressionSettings

ClassList > ZarrCompressionSettings

Compression settings for a Zarr array. @detail The compressor is not the same as the codec. A codec is a specific implementation of a compression algorithm, while a compressor is a library that implements one or more codecs.

  • #include <zarr.types.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
ZarrCompressionCodec codec
ZarrCompressor compressor
uint8_t level
uint8_t shuffle

Public Attributes Documentation

variable codec

ZarrCompressionCodec ZarrCompressionSettings::codec;

Codec to use

variable compressor

ZarrCompressor ZarrCompressionSettings::compressor;

Compressor to use

variable level

uint8_t ZarrCompressionSettings::level;

Compression level

variable shuffle

uint8_t ZarrCompressionSettings::shuffle;

Whether to shuffle the data before compressing

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /home/runner/work/acquire-docs/acquire-docs/acquire-zarr/include/zarr.types.h