File acquire.zarr.h¶
FileList > acquire-zarr > include > acquire.zarr.h
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Type | Name |
struct | ZarrStreamSettings The settings for a Zarr stream. |
Public Types¶
Type | Name |
typedef struct ZarrStream_s | ZarrStream |
Public Functions¶
Type | Name |
ZarrStatusCode | ZarrStreamSettings_create_dimension_array (ZarrStreamSettings * settings, size_t dimension_count) Allocate memory for the dimension array in the Zarr stream settings struct. |
void | ZarrStreamSettings_destroy_dimension_array (ZarrStreamSettings * settings) Free memory for the dimension array in the Zarr stream settings struct. |
ZarrStatusCode | ZarrStream_append (ZarrStream * stream, const void * data, size_t bytes_in, size_t * bytes_out) Append data to the Zarr stream. |
ZarrStream * | ZarrStream_create (ZarrStreamSettings * settings) Create a Zarr stream. |
void | ZarrStream_destroy (ZarrStream * stream) Destroy a Zarr stream. |
const char * | Zarr_get_api_version () Get the version of the Zarr API. |
ZarrLogLevel | Zarr_get_log_level () Get the log level for the Zarr API. |
const char * | Zarr_get_status_message (ZarrStatusCode code) Get the message for the given status code. |
ZarrStatusCode | Zarr_set_log_level (ZarrLogLevel level) Set the log level for the Zarr API. |
Public Types Documentation¶
typedef ZarrStream¶
Public Functions Documentation¶
function ZarrStreamSettings_create_dimension_array¶
Allocate memory for the dimension array in the Zarr stream settings struct.
ZarrStatusCode ZarrStreamSettings_create_dimension_array (
ZarrStreamSettings * settings,
size_t dimension_count
The Zarr stream settings struct.dimension_count
The number of dimensions in the dataset to allocate memory for.
ZarrStatusCode_Success on success, or an error code on failure.
function ZarrStreamSettings_destroy_dimension_array¶
Free memory for the dimension array in the Zarr stream settings struct.
The Zarr stream settings struct containing the dimension array to free.
function ZarrStream_append¶
Append data to the Zarr stream.
ZarrStatusCode ZarrStream_append (
ZarrStream * stream,
const void * data,
size_t bytes_in,
size_t * bytes_out
This function will block while chunks are compressed and written to the store. It will return when all data has been written. Multiple frames can be appended in a single call.
The Zarr stream
The data to append.bytes_in
The number of bytes indata
. This can be any nonnegative integer. On a value of 0, this function will immediately return.bytes_out
The number of bytes written to the stream.
ZarrStatusCode_Success on success, or an error code on failure.
function ZarrStream_create¶
Create a Zarr stream.
The settings for the Zarr stream.
A pointer to the Zarr stream struct, or NULL on failure.
function ZarrStream_destroy¶
Destroy a Zarr stream.
This function waits for all pending writes to complete and frees the memory allocated for the Zarr stream.
The Zarr stream struct to destroy.
function Zarr_get_api_version¶
Get the version of the Zarr API.
Semver formatted version of the Zarr API.
function Zarr_get_log_level¶
Get the log level for the Zarr API.
The log level for the Zarr API.
function Zarr_get_status_message¶
Get the message for the given status code.
The status code.
A human-readable status message.
function Zarr_set_log_level¶
Set the log level for the Zarr API.
The log level.
ZarrStatusCode_Success on success, or an error code on failure.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /home/runner/work/acquire-docs/acquire-docs/acquire-zarr/include/acquire.zarr.h